The last Trunce of this year was run off last Monday and
delivered a bit of a sting in the tail. Regular readers will know this tough
multi terrain race is really a fell race in disguise, complete with three river
crossings that are sometimes thigh deep, plus two ridiculously hard ascents that
- unsurprisingly - also mean ridiculously hard descents: one of which is particularly
technical and tricky.
Add Monday’s appalling weather conditions of persistent rain
and wind and you can imagine the fun.
Nonetheless, Mick W and Rosie Wigg got stuck in and took it
on. Rose (pic) made it round pain free after a year of niggling injury and was
very encouraged. This bodes well for a full racing return – here’s hoping.
Mick, meanwhile came off second best to the course this time
round by taking a hard tumble on the troublesome descent. In spite of a pretty
substantial knock to his wrist he grimaced on to a top 30 overall finish. This
was the first time in 8 consecutive Trunces that Mick didn’t improve on his course best. His run of PBs have been an extraordinary
achievement and who knows, but for the fall, it might have continued.
Mick’s consistency delivered some consolation though, he
managed a 12th Veteran finish in the overall series for 2015 which,
given the level of competition in this event, is absolutely superb.